Take my cat… please!

Why does everyone think the vet is going to take whatever animal you a) no longer want, b) no longer can care for, or c) just found on the side of the road?

I received two emails today, both people appear to want us to take their 100 year-old, ill cats and not euthanize them. Ugh…

Let’s be honest: no one wants a cat over the age of 5, no one wants to take over your problem child be it medical or behavioral, and it is not my responsibility to find your answer just because you refuse to take your unwanted animal to the shelter.Yes, if you take it to the shelter it is most likely going to be euthanized but at least you didn’t have to directly make that call on your own, right?

Does it make me sad that you no long want your animal? Sure. Do I really think all unwanted animals should be euthanized? No. But we do not have room in our hospital for your 14 year-old cat with pee issues. It won’t get adopted. If we don’t euthanize it, it will spend its whole life living in a kennel. Do you really think that’s a better life? I don’t. Does it suck to make the euthanasia decision? Yes, every time.

I realize you have no money and I’m sorry for that. At $100k+ in student loan debt, I feel your pain. But sometimes we have to do what is truly in the best interest of your pets, not just what is easiest for you.

Posted on October 2, 2011, in No money and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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